Monday, May 21, 2012

What's In A Name?

A few months ago, I had a life-changing moment/experience--I was ordained. While, I've been licensed for many years now, this was the next step in this water-walking experience. I remember when I got licensed, it was a difficult transition to hear your name called with title..."Minister So-And-So" just felt ominous so this newest transition to "Pastor" and "Prophet" really has thrown me for a loop... And one of the first questions that people ask me when they've seen me since my ordination is "What should I call you now?" And I it never fails that I don't usually know what they're talking about at first and then I remember..."OOOOhhh! You're talking about THAT!"

You see, I've never been one for titles. I have gotten fussed at by friends and family over the years because I didn't use the letters after my name that my degrees endow me with. It's just not me to get tripped up on whether you call me Minister or if you simply call my name. I'm me. I've been me for some time now and I'm going to keep being ME (titles or not). I suppose it's the same thought that women have when they get married. For years, you've just been who you are and now, by virtue of a new relationship, you are supposed to answer to Mrs NewLastName. It's a culture shock and one that some women embrace more readily than others.

For me, the titles of education and ministry have been much the same. I readily embrace them but have to admit that I still don't know what the big deal is most of the time. No...I take that back...I get it. I understand that titles help people know what to do with you. They help people categorize you. And, perhaps it's just me, but I don't often feel like my titles and alphabet soup at the end of my name really provide good guidance. They tell you what I can do for you professionally, spiritually, ministerially. They speak to the fact that someone has vetted me and that I've gone through some stuff to be able to help you. And they help me remember that I have a certain responsibility as an ambassador for Christ. But for all the stereotypes and assumptions that come with the titles Minister, Elder, Pastor, Prophet/Prophetess, I'm not sure any one of those titles would completely help you know that I am a down-to-earth person who is simply trying to live for God; who makes mistakes but tries my best not to; who loves to laugh and not always at the most appropriate things; who loves people but has bad moods sometimes and doesn't want to be bothered; who wants to hear your story and wants to tell you mine; who tries to be reliable but sometimes will drop the ball; who offers help but is sometimes the one who needs it; and who, most importantly, wants to simply be ME.

So what should you call me? Hmm...if I'm thinking of what's real, I'd me Joy, Peace, Love, Prosperity, and Hope. Call me by my name. I promise I'll answer. The rest is just...well...names...


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